Thursday, September 30, 2010

Upcoming featured recipes

I've been experimenting a lot in the kitchen, but unfortunately it hasn't been making it to my blog...

Here are a few recipes I'll post when I get the chance:

-Russian-friendly Sushi
-Hershey's Chocolate Cake
-Spaghetti Pie
-Italian burgers

Recipes (with my notes and photos) coming up...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How to Make Sweet Challah

Rosh Hashanah is observed this week. A perfect excuse to attempt some Jewish bread-making!

My mother makes Challah from time to time, and it is by far one of my favorites, especially straight out of the oven (which is why I was sampling pieces at midnight). Although it has a hint of sweetness, it is delicious with all kinds of toppings: sweet or savory; hot or cold. When still warm, a few pieces of butter are just right.

I'm not going to type up the recipe because they've done it so well on this website, with very clear, detailed instructions. Try it: Famous Challah
